Eco-Escolas ’22

Last year over 150 schools in Portugal adopted the song and many of them recorded their performances and entered into a video competition. The feedback from the teachers was very positive and the student engagement amazing.

Learn more about the results from the competition:

Quem Somos – Who are we?

More about the Eco-Escolas in Portugal. Eco-Escolas is an international program of the “Foundation for Environmental Education”, developed in Portugal since 1996 by ABAE Its goals are to encourage actions and recognize the quality work developed by the schools, within the scope of Environmental Education for Sustainability. The program is coordinated at international, national, regional and school levels. This multilevel coordination allows the confluence of objectives, methodologies and common criteria that respect the specificity of each school in relation to its students and characteristics of the surrounding environment.

Eco-Escolas é um programa internacional da “Foundation for Environmental Education”, desenvolvido em Portugal desde 1996 pela ABAE. Pretende encorajar ações e reconhecer o trabalho de qualidade desenvolvido pela escola, no âmbito da Educação Ambiental para a Sustentabilidade.
O programa é coordenado a nível internacional, nacional, regional e de escola. Esta coordenação multinível permite a confluência para objetivos, metodologias e critérios comuns que respeitam a especificidade de cada escola relativamente aos seus alunos e caraterísticas do meio envolvente.

Who are we?